
Audubon Guide to the National Wildlife Refuges: Mid-Atlantic: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia (Audubon Guides to the National Wildlife Refuges)

Original price was: $19.95.Current price is: $8.59.


This book is a must if you are looking for information on national refuges in the area. Perfect outline of places to travel to for a day trip or weekend getaway in the New Jersey area.


SKU: 6417897 Category:


This guide to national wildlife refuges covers the entirety of the Mid-Atlantic area. Covering New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia, learn about all the national refuges you must visit right away! This book will save you lots of time by giving you all the details and information you need on this part of the region and the wildlife. There are also maps to make things more convenient for you, as well as beautiful illustrations to help identify with. Pick your favorite places from this book and visit for a unique experience unlike any other. This book is the perfect resource for day trips that will get you out of the city and in the natural beauty of the wildlife we are surrounded by.

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